There is certainly without a doubt a lot involved in order to take planes to flights with military destinations. These flights have to be properly planned out, flown correctly, and you also have to make sure that you are executing the operational and training missions perfectly. There is never any room for error so you have to make sure that you are able to be the absolute best at all times. There is never time to be tired, sick or depressed. You have to be on top of your game at all times because there are a lot of people counting on you.
You also need to be aware that there are all kinds of various types of aviation crafts that you can fly once you are a military pilot. The particular duties or mission that you have will determine the type of aircraft that you will pilot. Such duties may include reconnaissance, patrol, combat and tactical among many others.
Again, you have to be ready to handle anything that comes your way or take on any job that is given to you, even at the last second. In order to even be considered a candidate for training, you have to be able to pass the flying physical. It is also important to make sure that you have vision that is at least 20/70 or better and this must be able to be corrected to the proper 20/20 vision when glasses are worn. There are certain educational and age requirements but the exact cut off and requirements for these vary between the branches.
It is important to make sure that you are learning as much about aviation as possible. Since you will be taking flights to and from many different places as a military pilot, you might want to get as familiar with the globe as possible. The more information you know going into the training program the better. Of course, there are going to be certain things that you cannot learn until you are actually being trained for flight by the military. There are special things that only they will be able to teach you.
You want to remember that this is a skill that is not acquired overnight. You really have to work hard at this and you also need to realize that not everyone makes it. Not everyone is cut out to be taking a plane flying to various places all over the world. If you find that you are not cut out for it in the end, you will at least know that you tried your best and you will never be left wondering about it.
If after all of your research you still feel as though you are ready to give this a shot, go for it. Decide which branch you want to work in and talk to a recruiter. Explain to the recruiter your goals and he or she will be able to walk you through the next steps that you have to take. Before you know it you will be signed up with the military and you will be well on your way to flights in top secret locations.
You will look back and see that all of the research and the studying were well worth it in the end. Flights to various places all over the world is certainly an experience that you are never going to forget and it is certainly never one that is going to be topped by anything else. So, what are you waiting for? Get the ball rolling and get ready to take flights all over the world on behalf of the friends and family in your country that you are working to protect.