Background Checks
As you may be aware, individuals that pursue jobs in aviation have a tremendous amount of responsibility. No matter whether you choose to work as a flight attendant, security screener, or mechanic, your employer will want to make sure that your background is suitable. Before applying for jobs in aviation, you may want to pull your credit report and make sure that it is accurate. It may also be of some help to run a standard background check in order to make sure that various databases do not have wrong information stored about you. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a way to prevent errors that will make it look like you have a criminal record, or some other type of problem.
Drug Testing
Because aviation jobs involve public safety, you will most likely need to undergo drug screening on a routine basis. Unfortunately, if you take certain types of prescription medication, or you eat certain foods, you may come up with false positives. Rather than take this chance, you should try to find out which substances will cause you to fail a urine drug screening. This may include checking with your doctor, as well as doing some extra research on your own.
Job Types and Lifestyle Adjustments
If you are the type of person that likes to go home every night, some aviation jobs may not be suitable. This includes any type of job where you will actually be on the plane while it is traveling from one place to another. That said there are also a number of jobs that will enable you to enjoy a perfectly routine lifestyle. At the very least, if you are considering being a flight attendant, you might want to consider being a baggage screener instead.
There is no question that aviation jobs are becoming more competitive as the industry evolves. While this industry may still experience a number of cutbacks, there are still many kinds of companies that rely on air travel. As a general rule of thumb, if you can find a specific niche that can easily be transferred from one airline type to another, you should be able to gain employment under any situation. For example, if you pursue aviation jobs related to plane maintenance or air traffic control, you should be able to work in companies dedicated to cargo transport as well as ones for regular passengers.